... from Monte Ruivo
Wednesday March 10th
This is an amazing 2.5 hour circular walk that will take you through unknown valleys and up onto the hilltops with great views to the sea. There is one short climb and the stream has to be crossed but there are stepping stones.
10.30am start meet at the cafe Belo Horizonte. Take the A22 and exit for Odiaxere/Mx Grande drive into Odiaxere and trun right at the lights in the centre. Follow the signs for the ‘barragem’ drive for about 5km and after passing a road to the left to Colinas Verdes the cafe is up on the right.
All are welcome to come along - there is no need to book (there is a charge of 5 euro per walk which includes a donation to charity). Please wear comfortable shoes, bring some water and a sense of humour!
If you require more details please call: Julie Statham 965 753 033 / 922 244 242 or www.portugal walks.com
Diary date: Sunday March 21st 10.30am - Let’s Walk with our dogs - charity walk from Figueira.
Algarve Walking Experience
Longer Walk
Meet for this Saturday’s walk at the cafe by the bus stop at Barranco do Velho which is on the N2 North of S Bras de Aportel, we can share cars onward to the start at
Parizes. Meet at 9-30am, distance 20k time 6 hours+ A great walk not to be missed.
A charge of 5 euro pp tel 912715835 or email info@algarvewalkin gexperience.com Terry
East Algarve Walks
Tuesday & Friday mornings
For more information contact Brian: 913 595 868, brian@moonlightservices.eu, www.moonlightservices.eu
Algarve Car Hire